Forms and Applications
Restaurants that are interested in participating need to supply the following:
- Temporary Peddlers Application - included in PDF
- Health Department Application - Included in PDF
- Your menu Items (list on the applicaiton)
- Logo and Contact information. (email to
- Payment. (make checks to Nick Bosco or Nick Bosco Design).
Send to 24 Hillside Ave # A1 Montclair, NJ 07042
Your Investment
Single Day - Friday Only - $250.00
Single Day - Saturday Only - $250.00
Half Day Saturday - $200 - 10-3pm or 4-10pm
Both Days (entire festival) - $450
The permits are attached to the application forms.
Please fill them out completely.
Non-Food Vendors that are interested in participating in the Taste of Montclair
need to supply the following:
- Temporary Peddlers Application - included in the PDF
- Completed Application
- Certificate of Insurance (make a copy and attach to the application)
Your Investment
Single Day - Friday Only - $250.00
Single Day - Saturday Only - $250.00
Half Day Saturday - $200 - 10-3pm or 4-10pm
Both Days (entire festival) - $450
The permits are attached to the application forms.
Please fill them out completely.
While we would love to have every business that's interested in the
Taste of Montclair join us, it's ultimately up to the Township of Montclair...
They must approve your temporary peddlers license and the health
department must approve your restaurant to be included. Approval takes time,
so do not delay in getting your applications back to us.